A little bit of help from a friend .. .
1 comments Yesterday, I worked on my poster for my feature Betty I Am... And, one of my friends that has better knowledge on photoshop and his own artistic views.. Came out with a few concepts that are very good.. The choices got a lot tougher because I like them all.. I know already which one I'm going to choose. sorta.... But, I'm going to chill for a bit and see what comes out from this website where the posters choices are being talked about. http://www.theartistconsortium.com/ To see what opinions are giving towards the posters.. and talked about.. This weekend, still working on the short, hopefully it will be done by or on Monday, which is tomorrow.. soooooo... I better get working..

January 8, 2010 at 7:58 PM
Welcome to see some art here http://www.teroisokaanta.suntuubi.com/…..
I hope you enjoy my art :)
comments are recomented :D