August 29, 2009.
Working on a short script that hopefully will be up and running in the coming months. The script is an all male cast with the exception of bystanders. But, the style of the story takes me back in my theatre days. Where the rules do not apply and just have a good time writing a short script. My recent writings, there were times that I didn't have fun. Always making sure, that it made some reasonable sense or the genre would not be up to par with me. Over thinking a scene of what would lie ahead for the coming scenes. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy my previous works. But, the thinking process took a toll on me. When I was in theatre, my imagination was more out of control, and making the actors do more outrageous things. Not, realizing that I had boundaries that I couldn't cross. And, I did cross them, seeing how far I can push those boundaries, which was fun to me. I had actors that were willing to go with me to the madness of my imagination. With that, I got into this writing business, with early success, because I had fun!
As for this short script or film, laughter filled the room because of the scenarios I would think of. Now that's when you're having fun writing something. The pictures of the females has nothing to do with my upcoming short film. But, I'm thinking about doing another affordable feature film. But, a big but, financing will of course will play a huge role if that happens or not. I have a 16mm camera just sitting in my house waiting for something to come up and a chance to use it. The outfits of the females, well, let's just say these are all a small glimpse of the character make up of future projects...