Writing the Life: intro
Labels: blog, writing 2 comments
Jan 01, 2009.
So, decided it's better late then never.
This is the blog!
I am Jose A. Renteria Jr.
I'm a filmmaker. And, I deal with wine for a greater part of my daily routines.
My mind is pretty much in limbo, trying to figure out what's my next move. A film that hangs over my head where there is actually a finish line. I shot a feature film a couple a years ago and will surely be talked about in great lengths in the coming months.. I don't have a camera for picture taking, so, gotta make do what I have.
Film,writing, wine, food, art, culture, Japan, semi-otaku. Will be the writing points.
This blog will actually help me on my writing woes and hopefully turn them into answers to my writing stumps.. This is it for now..
good bye.. ......May be hello again
Photo info: Taken by Meredith. Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
January 3, 2009 at 4:56 PM
sorry, thats the best i got at the moment.
January 5, 2009 at 4:37 PM
mine's better!