New wave week
Labels: Betty I am, film, food 2 commentsI meant to put this up on Wednesday night...but.. too many things on my mind lately, which hopefully I'll get into in the near future. The Aero theatre in Santa Monica had a showcase on the director Francois Truffaut. Which, there's still cinema of his I need to watch. Anyway, I haven't been out to see a film in quite a while...And, The French New Wave is a great way to start of the year. This was the first time I seen the Antoine Doinel series, well 400 blows was under my belt but not the rest.. After seeing a couple of the films, I had an even more of a appreciation towards Truffaut. It actually helped me in my current project which I'm also struggling on... The video below is Antoine Doinel series summed up in 3 minutes (how?).
Posted in Betty I am, film, food by Jose Renteria
Script notes... and more
Labels: Betty I am, film, writing 2 commentsWell, as of this moment I'm on page 41 or so.. even though it's not 41 pages, more like a rough estimate. When I got to page 28, I was stuck....but in the back of my mind i know what happens in the next scene of the scene i still haven't done after page 28.. Did I lose you??? hope not...
Posted in Betty I am, film, writing by Jose Renteria
Writing the Life: intro
Labels: blog, writing 2 comments
Posted in blog, writing by Jose Renteria