Cartoon Life  


The last couple of months have been interesting ones.. I received some artwork from people who randomly drew me.... A guess the notion of me being a real-life character is more believable than first thought....  I say about 5 people has done some kind drawing with my likeness.. and that's okay...   

New wave week  


I meant to put this up on Wednesday night...but.. too many things on my mind lately, which hopefully I'll get into in the near future.   The Aero theatre in Santa Monica had a showcase on the director Francois Truffaut.  Which, there's still cinema  of his I need to watch.  Anyway, I haven't been out to see a film in quite a while...And, The French New Wave is a great way to start of the year.  This was the first time I seen the Antoine Doinel series, well 400 blows was under my belt but not the rest..  After seeing a couple of the films, I had an even more of a appreciation towards Truffaut.  It actually helped me in my current project which I'm also struggling on... The video below is Antoine Doinel  series summed up in 3 minutes (how?). 

The first night of the showcase, I went over to one of my favorite eating spots  Cafe 50's .  But, on the way over there I noticed the Nuart was playing a Godard Film.  Yes, Godard!  Also a director that made French new wave into the French New Wave.  So, his film was added to my viewing schedule for the week.. 

So far, it's been a good week for cinema!   As for my film Betty I am.  My friend Jaime worked on re-doing the trailer, a website took notice of it and made a small article of it and is asking for info about the film; Quite Earth .   And, finally our IMDB page is up...So.. it's a really, really slow process... but.. getting there is more clear in a way.. . 

Script notes... and more  


Well, as of this moment I'm on page 41 or so.. even though it's not 41 pages, more like a rough estimate.  When I got to page 28, I was stuck....but in the back of my mind i know what happens in the next scene of the scene i still haven't done after page 28.. Did I lose you???  hope not...

That's just one of my mantras of writing.. umm once you're stuck somewhere... you have to keep on writing no matter what.  And,  what you write after,  may help you write the scene that couldn't be written  before.. just another method to my writing.   

Yesterday was a great night!   My friend Jaime, set up a screening at his house for a film I wrote/directed a couple years ago.. .Betty I Am, is the title of the feature film... A couple of days prior to the this event, the butterflies were going crazy in my stomach.. So i did the best thing to combat that.. NOT THINK ABOUT IT..I have trouble seeing my own work on display... And, it help, filled my time with the current script I'm working on.  Thinking about many other things that was not my film..   It turned out great, got a good reaction from the audience which is a huge relief.... Once again,  Jaime hospitality was awesome...Food/wine/gathering. 

Here's a trailer of the film... edited by Jaime Ryan Heintz  

Now..... gotta do some more progress  on my script and hopefully in a few weeks, I'll be up in IMDB with my film.. 

Writing the Life: intro  


Jan 01, 2009.  

So, decided it's better late then never.   

This is the blog! 

I am  Jose A. Renteria Jr.  

I'm a filmmaker.  And, I deal with wine for a greater part of my daily routines.

My mind is pretty much in limbo, trying to figure out what's my next move.  A film that hangs over my head where there is actually a finish line.  I shot a feature film a couple a years ago and will surely be talked about in great lengths in the coming months.. I  don't have a camera for picture taking, so, gotta make do what I have. 

Film,writing, wine, food, art, culture, Japan, semi-otaku.  Will be the writing points. 

This blog will actually help me on my writing woes and hopefully turn them into answers to my writing stumps..  This is it for now.. 

good bye.. ......May be hello again

Photo info:  Taken by Meredith. Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi